Australharmony Biographical Register G Ga-gly

MR. GALE begs to tell the basic public generally of Adelaide and its Environs that he does not (as advertised) act as Chairman at Mr. E. Martin’s, Black Horse, Leigh-street, however at Mr. Faulkner’s, Wellington Inn, in the identical road. EVENING CONCERTS, EVENING CONCERTS. AT THE WELLINGTON INN, CURRIE AND LEIGH-STREETS. MR. FAULKNER begs to name the eye of his friends and the basic public that he has commenced an Evening Concert within the Large Room of the above Inn. Mr. Gale shall be within the Chair.

Isabella MELODIA

Sydneyites of forty years ago will remember Mr. Gibbs conducting at the Victoria Theatre. In her youthful days his spouse was a succesful and useful actress . JUST PUBLISHED, the favorite ballad “I LOVE HER,” as sung by Mr. John Howson, within the above opera, composed by M.

and the “Heather bloom,” which produced an unanimous encore. This gentleman has a nice voice – versatile and delightful in quality of tone, however somewhat poor in energy. We have no doubt age and practice will do a lot to treatment this deficiency . – On the 16th February, at Charles street, Norwood, William Galbraith, aged 89. – On the tenth November, at Charles-street, Norwood, Janet,

DEMISEMIQUAVER. The (Queen’s Own) band will play the next selections of music within the Domain, this afternoon, at 4 o’clock (weather permitting). March, “Rifle Volunteers,” Gassner, 2. Overture, “The Exiled,” Gassner; three. Selection, “Linda di Chamounix,” Donizetti; 4.

St Benedicts Catholic Faculty, New South Wales, 2022

Gatland arrived in Hobart on a convict transport on three March 1844, on the same ship that brought Maconochie and his family finally from the island. He was granted a ticket-of-leave in November 1846, a conditional pardon in 1848, and, on completing his 10-year sentence in April 1849, a certificates of freedom. – The above Society have removed to Mr. Cane’s Schoolroom, Stanley-street, Woolloomooloo.

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In consequence of depression in the sixties the ranks had been thinned sadly, several of the most effective players having determined to depart for different climes looking for employment. Included within the list of lively members was the late Mr. T. T. Doolan, considered one of its most energetic and faithful adherents. He had been connected with the band for a very lengthy time and wished to see it surmount the troubles and difficulties that appeared earlier than it. Messrs. Charles Galvin, Joseph Galvin, John McKenzie, and W. Day, three of whom have been members of the original band, and Mr. A. J. Day, another enthusiast, had been in the same frame of mind,

Yass, and the principal cities of the Southern District. On Monday and Tuesday the entertainments had been for the benefits of Messrs. Nish and Kohler, and of Messrs. Bent and Peele, respectively. On Wednesday evening the Christy’s paid a “flying go to” to Balmain, and were well and numerously obtained.

She also accompanied him to outlying churches to play the harmonium for providers (e.g. at Branxton on three, 10, 17 September 1865, and at Rothbury as late as 29 June 1869). Mr. Glen, who was sixty six years of age, had an attack of influenza some four months ago, and his lungs changing into affected he progressively became worse, and died as acknowledged. He leaves a widow, but no kids.

The truth is, he ignored the true beauties of the Evening’s Amusement, and talked about Pieces which weren’t carried out rather than the real ones. Instead of an Overture, Mr. Gee, who being a really younger man for the situation, which he fills so much to his credit score, carried out (his Solo or Air Air, diversified on the clarionet) having the correct 160 Eagle Creek Road, WEROMBI NSW 2570 Australia instruments accompanying with very considerable ability. Next should have been mentioned the Quartette for clarionets, horn, and bassoon, in which Mr. Gee equally displayed his stability on his instrument, and the second clarionet performed his half with diploma of ability highly creditable.

The instrumental performances on this event have been defective, maybe from certain vacancies in the orchestra, but as Mr. Gibbs does his work con amore, we count on to see a fast enchancment on this division. An amateur dramatic leisure and musical melange will take place on Wednesday night, the fifteenth January subsequent, within the giant corridor of the Mechanics’ Institute, the proceeds to be in assist of that glorious institution,

George Reuben Millar, farmer, of the Hermitage, to Elizabeth Jane Gibbs, eldest daughter of Mr. J. G. Gibbs, Rundle-street, Adelaide. The specimens of plain and fancy needlework executed by the women gave pleasing proofs that Miss Gibbs, the schoolmistress, has rightly estimated the importance of uniting the helpful with the ornamental.